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Client: Insole Court Trust
Goal: Create a new type of visitor attraction in the upper floors of Insole Court
Delivery: The semi-derelict upper floor of this Victorian gothic mansion could not be refurbished as a traditional exhibition area on the available budget. But it could be made into an atmospheric backdrop for a dramatization of the Insole family story. Hotrod set-dressed each room with furniture, props and large graphics, and composed a 30-minute promenade voice play in seven scenes. Hidden speakers draw visitors from room to room as the family rises to great wealth and influence, and then has its ambitions and fortunes shattered by war.
Result: The show has been warmly received by visitors, the Trust’s supporters, and by the HLF as a powerful and emotive way to tell an historical story.
Ask us about... pioneering a large-scale graphic effect using bold designs, thin paper sheets and a bucket of wheat-based paste.
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